Alternative Financing: A Few Facts to Consider for Your Company

Traditional bank loans can be time-consuming to obtain, and you're not ever guaranteed that your business will get approved. Most banks want to deal with large corporations, not small-to-mid-size businesses. Alternative lending is becoming a popular way for smaller...

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Alternative Financing: A Few Facts to Consider for Your Company

Traditional bank loans can be time-consuming to obtain, and you're not ever guaranteed that your business will get approved. Most banks want to deal with large corporations, not small-to-mid-size businesses. Alternative lending is becoming a popular way for smaller...

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Equipment Financing: A Few Ways to Get Ahead

Equipment financing often becomes necessary for small businesses as a means of staying competitive within the marketplace, and for providing better customer service to clientele. While there are several ways to go about financing a major equipment purchase, it...

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What a Business Credit Score Might Indicate

What a Business Credit Score Might Indicate

A business credit score is similar to a personal credit score, only it relies on data from the business. Of course, to have a business score, you have to keep your business accounts separate from your personal accounts. What...

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How to Provide Outstanding Customer Support, No Matter Your Industry

How to Provide Outstanding Customer Support, No Matter Your Industry

he business world is full of great people with great ideas, and plus some weak ideas and everything in between. But there is one thing everyone should have in common if they want to keep their doors open: the need...

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3 Keys to Important Business Mergers

Business mergers are usually fraught with complex emotions. It's a new beginning. You should be happy and excited, but often everyone is on edge, just hoping that it will work out okay. Some people just put their head down...

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What Can Asset-Based Lending do for Your Business?

What Can Asset-Based Lending do for Your Business?

What Can Asset-Based Lending do for Your Business?  Asset-based loans are generally easier to obtain than other types of loans, because the lender has the surety of some form of collateral which you provide with your business assets. One of...

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5 Ways to Find the Right Work-Life Balance

If there's one thing that causes more problems for the average working adult than any other, it's probably finding--and maintaining--a good work-life balance. If you're working more than you're comfortable with, then you're likely to end up stressed, unhappy,...

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Creating Consistent Cash Flow for Your Company: An Entrepreneur’s Guide

In simplest terms, cash flow can be understood as either positive or negative. Positive cash flow is money that comes into your business. This comes from sales or accounts receivable. Negative cash flow is money that goes out of...

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When to Outsource and When to Keep Projects In-House

If done correctly, outsourcing can help your business pursue new opportunities and/or reduce costs, but if it's done incorrectly, it can cause more harm than good. This article looks at outsourcing through the lens of its pros and cons. Outsourcing...

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